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While studying at the Royal College of Art for our Masters in Jewellery & Metal, we explored gold alloys and this has since become the focus of our studio practice. Typically there are the 5 common gold ‘Carats’ found in jewellery; 9ct, 14ct, 18ct, 22ct and 24ct fine gold. Through research we crafted all 24ct separate carats from 1ct to 24ct, which can be explore here.


 Re-modelling heirloom jewellery is our speciality and we document the process so you can see the transformation.



We hand craft our jewellery in the beautiful Islington in London at our small but sturdy bench. Specialising in gold and alloys we craft this precious metal into treasures that will last for generations to come.

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While at the Royal College of Art, Rachel explored gold and the possibilities of alloying fine gold with other metals to create a multitude of tones of yellow, red and whites. Since then Rachel has explored and experimented with different proportions of the three key metals found in gold alloys; fine gold, fine silver and copper, to create my own 18ct.

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